Campus Ministry

Student Experiences
The Sacraments
- The entire school community gathers for Mass once a month. In addition, each class has the opportunity to attend Mass twice a semester.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to all students twice a year, during Advent and Lent. Furthermore, our chaplain is always available if a student would like to schedule an appointment.
- Senior students who are leaders in the faith community have the opportunity to be installed as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to serve at school wide liturgies.
Theology Courses
Throughout the course of Serra Catholic careers, students will be exposed to a variety of courses in Catholic theology, including: Scripture Studies, Church History, Moral Theology, Sacraments, Catholic Social Teaching, Vocations, Faith and Reason, and Philosophy.
Students encounter Christ through the study of Scripture, Church documents and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, class discussions, and various other classroom activities.
Each class goes on a retreat which serves to bring them closer to each other and to Christ.
- Freshmen: early in the year the Freshmen meet at a local church to learn about the history of the school, look through old yearbooks, write letters to their future selves, get to know each other, and celebrate Mass.
- Sophomores: the Sophomore class typically visit St. Anthony Chapel in Troy Hill as a way to deepen their relationship with the saints and the Church.
- Juniors: the Junior retreat centers on the vocations to the priesthood, religious life, the single life and marriage. Speakers are asked to share their stories and insights into these vocations.
- Seniors: the Senior retreat focuses on the Social Teaching of the Church by means of a pilgrimage to churches within the diocese where the needs of those on the margins of society have historically been met: St. Patrick (Strip District), St. Nicholas (Millvale) among others. Seniors have also heard presentations from Operation Safety Net on these days.
Prayer Services
Advent and Lenten prayer services are held during those liturgical seasons, as well as throughout the year when events arise that lead us to prayer together.
Summer Appalachia Mission Trip - Young People Who Care, Frenchville, PA
“Right before I got into the van on Sunday to leave for Frenchville, I was skeptical. I was worried I wasn't going to make friends or I wouldn't have a good time and that I wasted a week out of my summer for this. I was wrong. Every day got better and better and more exciting. This was hands down the best week of my life and I will never forget the memories I made and the people I impacted." - First time student after attending the Summer Appalachia Mission Trip
Serra Catholic has many opportunities throughout the school year for parents to volunteer their time. These volunteer opportunities allow Serra parents to fulfill their required twenty hours of service, and also provide them with time to socialize with other parents in the Serra community. A few examples of volunteer opportunities include “Back to School Night”, the used uniform sale, Memorial Mass, assisting the Development Office, painting and light clean-up around the school, and much more!
If you are interested in earning volunteer hours, please contact the main office at (412) 751-2020.
Student Volunteer Service Hours
All Serra students are required to complete a minimum amount of service hours per year during their time at Serra:
Freshmen: minimum of 10 hours
Sophomores: minimum of 10 hours
Juniors: minimum of 20 hours
Seniors: minimum of 20 hours
Click here for a copy of the Community Service Hours Form.
Thank you for your support