About Serra » Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Serra Catholic High School

The Board of Members consists of the Diocesan Bishop, the Vicars General and the Diocesan Secretary of Education. The Board of Members is responsible for providing guidance and oversight for the school in curriculum, Religious Education and general practices.

Serra's Board of Directors works with the school Administration to develop fiscal resources and a strategic plan for the future.

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Mrs. Denise Verosky, Chair
Mr. Bill Barnes, Vice Chair
Mr. Mark Husnick, Treasurer
Mrs. Christina Rowan, Secretary
Mr. Jay Conzemius, Esq.
Sr. Patricia Laffey, SC
Dr. Diane Miller
Mr. Vincent Rocco
Br. Xavier O'Mara, O.S.B. 
Board of Members:
Most Rev. David A. Zubik, DD
Monsignor Lawrence A. DiNardo, VG, JCL
Ms. Anna B. Torrance, JD